Zoom or whatsapp fitness sessions is now available from £5 per session per person
Zoom or whatsapp fitness sessions is now available from £5 per session per person
Basingstoke Half Marathon,10Km Road Race & Children's Races
Sunday 5th October 2025
Enter both races before midnight 31st December 2024 and save your Early Bird Offer.
Enter both races by going to Destination Basingstoke Website
More information can be found about the race on this website by clicking onto Destination Basingstoke website address above
The Basingstoke Half Marathon, 10Km Road Race & Children's Races are now opened for 2024. (Sunday 6th October 2024)
Go to www.destinationbasingstoke.co.uk to enter all these races.
The course for the Basingstoke Half Marathon is a challenging one, along side with the 10Km Road Race, incorporating some some legendary hills near Cliddesden and Farleigh Wallop, beautiful countryside and quaint villages. On the downhill stretches you will be able to take in fantastic views of some of Hampshire's picturesque landscape and have a bird's eye view of Basingstoke.
New for this year Under 11's & Under 15's 2Km Races.
Enter the Basingstoke Half Marathon or 10Km Road Race & 2Km Children's Races.
Via Facebook Basingstoke Half Marathon/Destination Basingstoke
Website www.destinationbasingstoke.co.uk
Mike Gratton has been running since 1968, when he finished second in the British Forces Schools Germany Junior 800mts Champs in 2 mins 10 sec (age 13). He went on to win an English Schools title at 5,000m.
He went on to win the Poly Marathon in Windsor, third in the 1982 London Marathon with 2:12:30 and took bronze in the Brisbane Commonw
Mike Gratton has been running since 1968, when he finished second in the British Forces Schools Germany Junior 800mts Champs in 2 mins 10 sec (age 13). He went on to win an English Schools title at 5,000m.
He went on to win the Poly Marathon in Windsor, third in the 1982 London Marathon with 2:12:30 and took bronze in the Brisbane Commonwealth Games with 2:12:06. Seven months later he won the 1983 London Marathon in 2:09:43.
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
The Basingstoke Half Marathon and 10K is a real highlight in the running calendar and we have been proud of the way it has brought our whole community together in a fabulous festival atmosphere. With superb scenery, closed roads and a friendly welcome, it is a race with all the organisation and facilities of a big race, but the atmosphere of a community festival.
(Maps And Routes Below In Next Section)
Time Table
Saturday (Collection Of Race Numbers And T-Shirts ) Time to follow shortly
Race Village Opens
Children's Race Under 11,s
Children's Race Under 15's
Line Up For The Race
Half Marathon And 10Km Starts
Early Bird Discount Until 31/12/2023
Half Marathon
Affiliated £34.40
Unaffiliated £36.00
Zero Waste (No T-Shirt) £28.00
Early Bird Discount Until 31/12/2023
10Km Road Race
Affiliated £22.40
Unaffiliated £24.00
Zero Waste (No T-Shirt) £16.00
Children 2Km Races
Under 11's Free
Under 15's Free
The number of places for the children's races is limited to 300 overall (each participant will get a special event medal).
Enter The Races Via Website
This years prize list:
Overall winner (men
Overall winner (women)
2nd men
2nd women
3rd men
3rd wome
1st Veterans women 35 – 39 Voucher
1st Veterans men 40 – 49 Voucher
1st Veterans women 40 – 49 Voucher
1st Veterans men 50 – 59 Voucher
1st Veterans women 50 – 59 Voucher
1st Veterans men 60 – 69 Voucher
1st Veterans women 60 – 69 Voucher
1st Veterans men over 70 Voucher
1st Veterans Women over 70Voucher
Fastest Running Club – maleTrophy
Fastest Running Club – femaleTrophy
Fastest corporate team – menTrophy
Fastest corporate team – womenTrophy
Fastest corporate team – mixedTrophy
Fastest other team – maleTrophy
Fastest other team – womenTrophy
Fastest other team – mixedTrophy
The Half Marathon starts in the War Memorial Park in Basingstoke and is a road race starting in the town, but with most of the route on traffic free minor roads through undulating countryside.
The start and finish will be in War Memorial Park, as in 2021, starting at 11am.
The race course heads out of town on closed roads towards the villag
The Half Marathon starts in the War Memorial Park in Basingstoke and is a road race starting in the town, but with most of the route on traffic free minor roads through undulating countryside.
The start and finish will be in War Memorial Park, as in 2021, starting at 11am.
The race course heads out of town on closed roads towards the village of Cliddesden, you will pass the Jolly Farmer pub, then turn left by the village pond to head up towards Cliddesden School.
You enter the village of Ellisfield at mile 4, then turn left towards the church, then right down College Lane with a lovely gentle downhill to mile 6.
Turn right and right again before you climb back up past The Fox Inn returning to Ellisfield, then take a left towards Farleigh Wallop.
Between miles 8 and 9 there is the legendary ‘Big Dipper’ as affectionately named by local runners, (actually its proper name is ‘Bedlam Bottom’) where the road drops by 100 feet then regains it almost immediately.
Then follow the tree-lined Avenue to mile 9, and from here it is more or less downhill to the finish.
Once you reach the crossroads you will turn right downhill with some fabulous views across the countryside with Basingstoke in the distance.
Back through Cliddesden and towards town, taking a right by the Holiday Inn to return to the race village in War Memorial Park with the last 130m on grass in the park.
(Photo's Of The Course To Follow Shortly)
More Information Can Be Found On
Facebook : Basingstoke Half Marathon Page
Website www.destinationbasingstoke.co.uk
Three Climbs In The Course
Mile 3 to 4 long climb thought the tree line
Mile 6- 7 past the Fox Inn Public House
Then Between Miles 8-9 The Big Dipper
Then a long desend past mile 10 back into Cliddesden
Map From Mile 1 And Back to Mile 1
This year we have a New Course the 10Km Race
The 10Km starts in the War Memorial Park in Basingstoke and is a road race starting in the town, but with most of the route on traffic free minor roads through undulating countryside.
In 2023 the race will be run in the usual direction (as in 2011-17), and will
Map From Mile 1 And Back to Mile 1
This year we have a New Course the 10Km Race
The 10Km starts in the War Memorial Park in Basingstoke and is a road race starting in the town, but with most of the route on traffic free minor roads through undulating countryside.
In 2023 the race will be run in the usual direction (as in 2011-17), and will take place in parallel to a new 10k race. The start and finish will be in War Memorial Park, as in 2021, starting at 11am.
The race course heads out of town on closed roads towards the village of Cliddesden, you will pass the Jolly Farmer pub, then turn left by the village pond to head up towards Cliddesden School.
Just befor Cliddesdon School turn left onto Hachwood Lane, follow the road to the T-Junction.
Turn right onto Station Road follow the road to the T-Juction turn right back onto Hackwood Lane to the duck pond and then turn Right onto Farleigh Road.
Back through Cliddesden and towards town, taking a right by the Holiday Inn to return to the race village in War Memorial Park as you started.
In the War Mormorial Park Follow the footpath (Past the entrance to the finish for the Half Marathon) carry straight on past the Play area on your right hand side, carry straight on to the first lamp post past the footpath/cycleway.
Turn right over the grass to the finish line.
(Photo's Of The Course To Follow Shortly)
From The Duck Pond In Cliddersen Along Hackwood Lane Turning Left Onto Hackwood Lane Just Before Cliddesden School, Turning Left Onto Station Road And Returning Back To The Duck Pond In Cliddesden
Starting from the start line of the Half Marathon And 10Km Race, follow the funnel to the end past the play park, at the end turn left.
Along the pathway past the tennis courts at the T-Junction turn left to the top of pathway and then turn right and a loop around the skate park. Then turn right returning back past the tennis courts.
Starting from the start line of the Half Marathon And 10Km Race, follow the funnel to the end past the play park, at the end turn left.
Along the pathway past the tennis courts at the T-Junction turn left to the top of pathway and then turn right and a loop around the skate park. Then turn right returning back past the tennis courts.
Follow the pathway back to the funnel of the half marathon finish line.
First 5 Miles: Start Out Slow
When you start your half marathon, you'll likely feel strong and confident. You might even have to tell yourself to hold back. The first few miles should feel easy
Don't worry if you see a lot of people passing you. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Going out too fast i
First 5 Miles: Start Out Slow
When you start your half marathon, you'll likely feel strong and confident. You might even have to tell yourself to hold back. The first few miles should feel easy
Don't worry if you see a lot of people passing you. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Going out too fast is one of the most common running mistakes.
Stay as calm as possible for the first 5 miles of the race. Resist the urge to high-five spectators or jump up and down when you see family and friends cheering for you.
Your mental toughness will really start to be tested mid-race, during which you'll be running at tempo pace. Though, if you are running a smart race, it might not be until miles 9 and 10 that you really start to "feel it."
At mile 6, start breaking up the remainder of the race into smaller segments. It will make the distance feel more manageable. For example, think, "I'm more than a third of the way done!" By mile 10, you can think: "There's only a short 5K run left to go."
Now is the time to use all those boredom-battling tricks you learned during your long runs in training.
When you start your half marathon, you'll likely feel strong and confident. You might even have to tell yourself to hold back. The first few miles should feel easy—after all, you've trained to go 13.1 miles.
Running your first half slower than the second half (called a negative split) is the key to running a smart and enjoyable half marathon.
Take it slow and relaxed. Your body will thank you during the later miles.
Don't worry if you see a lot of people passing you. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Going out too fast is one of the most common running mistakes. Take calm, deep breaths, and try to block out any distracting thoughts about the other runners. You'll catch them later—and at your own pace.
Stay as calm as possible for the first 5 miles of the race. Resist the urge to high-five spectators or jump up and down when you see family and friends cheering for you. Conserve your mental energy for the run.
Your mental toughness will really start to be tested mid-race, during which you'll be running at tempo pace. Though, if you are running a smart race, it might not be until miles 9 and 10 that you really start to "feel it."
Don't give into periods of self-doubt and discomfort. Remember all those miles you ran and the training you did. Have faith in your training. Think about how hard you have worked and how rewarding it will be to complete your half marathon.
Prepare yourself with tips for staying mentally strong, and keep them in your back pocket.
At mile 6, start breaking up the remainder of the race into smaller segments. It will make the distance feel more manageable.
Now is the time to use all those boredom-battling tricks you learned during your long runs in training.
You will likely start to feel more physical discomfort during the run's final miles. At the very least, you'll be tired. Your legs will feel heavy, your muscles might be cramping, and you will feel your lungs burning.
Now is the time in the race to pass other runners. You need to dig down deep for extra strength to run the final 5k at your race pace.
Focus on one runner ahead of you. Power through and pass that runner. Once you have passed that person, set your sights on the next runner, and repeat.
As you near the finish line, shift your brain back to the present and be fully in the moment.
You will want to remember your achievement and the highs that you are feeling as you finish strong.
First-timers: build mileage slowly
Runners who've finished a 5K can move up to a 10K, but doubling up on distance takes proper preparation. ‘I recommend adding 10-15 per cent to your total weekly mileage, spread out over two or three runs, each week.
Experienced runners: work one in
Are you preparing for a longer goal? That's OK – do a 10K,
First-timers: build mileage slowly
Runners who've finished a 5K can move up to a 10K, but doubling up on distance takes proper preparation. ‘I recommend adding 10-15 per cent to your total weekly mileage, spread out over two or three runs, each week.
Experienced runners: work one in
Are you preparing for a longer goal? That's OK – do a 10K, too! ‘Racing a 10K while training for a marathon – or a half – is like getting a little bonus speedwork in preparation for that race, and you shouldn't be surprised if you run a 10K PB in the process.
Vary your workouts
The 10K requires strength, endurance, speed and a finishing kick, you want to get practice running at goal pace, a little slower than 10K pace [a medium effort] and faster than 10K pace. ‘You also need to build up to what I think is the best 10K workout – 3 x 2 miles at goal race pace.
Start with a warm-up
If you're doing a harder workout – a tempo run, speedwork or a run that includes mileage at 10K goal pace – you need to make time for a proper warm-up. Jog for a mile, then perform 5 x 100m warm-up drills (such as skips, high knees and bum kicks) with a recovery jog between each. Do the same before the race if you have a time goal.
Hit the track
Short intervals of 200-600m help improve leg turnover and speed.
If you're a less experienced runner, start with 8 x 200m at 90 per cent effort with a 200m recovery jog between each, then repeat the workout every other week, adding a few repeats each time.
Once you've mastered those, you can move up to covering an equivalent distance in 400m repeats (with 400m recoveries).
Change your pace
Slow and steady will finish the race, but if you want to get faster, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone during some long runs
Try a couple of long runs at an effort of seven to eight on a scale of one to 10, and throw in a one-minute surge (a controlled pick-up that's about 15-20 seconds faster per mile than your regular pace) every 10 minutes. These runs are challenging, so do them no more often than once every two to three weeks.
Do some strength training
One of the big benefits of training for a 10K instead of a half or full marathon is that it's easier to fit in different types of workouts, such as yoga, Pilates or circuit training. Take advantage of it: doing core-strengthening and flexibility exercises regularly will help improve your form and overall efficiency, and reduce your injury risk. Ideally, try to incorporate 30 minutes or more of core work (including abs, back, glutes and shoulders) and a yoga session into your routine at least twice each week (on easy or cross-training days).
Gordon Bateman 1Hr 30Mins Pacer
Matt Pillinger 1Hr 45mins Pacer
Rebecca Reid 1Hr 45Mins Pacer
Tom Hartgill 2Hrs Pacer
Graham Collins 2Hrs Pacer
Karen Hodkin 2Hrs 15Mins Pacer
Stewart Dewey 2Hrs 15Mins Pacer
Steve Bennett 2Hrs 30Mins Pacer
Kevin Biles 2Hrs 30Mins Pacer
The Basingstoke Half Marathon and 10k is organised by Destination Basingstoke, a not-for-profit company that undertakes a range of projects and events to showcase the area. Neil Proctor designed the original course and remains the course director for the race
The Croudace Homes Festival Place 5km
Sunday 28th April 2024
This annual fab 5k race around Basingstoke town centre usually starts in Festival Place and with the first 1k around the shopping centre it is a bit unusual. You then take a turn around the Top of the Town, Basing View and Eastrop Park before returning to the shopping centre to
The Croudace Homes Festival Place 5km
Sunday 28th April 2024
This annual fab 5k race around Basingstoke town centre usually starts in Festival Place and with the first 1k around the shopping centre it is a bit unusual. You then take a turn around the Top of the Town, Basing View and Eastrop Park before returning to the shopping centre to be back in time for the shops to open!
With restaurants open for drinks and snacks for runners and supporters, and plenty of places to watch the race, it’s a great start to a Sunday.
Whether you are a beginner, ready for your first proper race, a speed machine, or just want to set yourself a new challenge, you will be welcome..
More Information Can Be Found On www.destinationbasingstoke.co.uk
The Croudace Homes Festival Place 5km
Sunday 28th April 2024
If you enter The Croudace Festival Place 5Km and the Destination Philips Law Half Marathon Or The 10Km Road Race at the same time you will save 10% on the cost
Normal Entry Fees
Affiliated Entry £17.50
Unaffiliated Entry £19.50
More Information Can Be Found On www.destinationbasi
The Croudace Homes Festival Place 5km
Sunday 28th April 2024
If you enter The Croudace Festival Place 5Km and the Destination Philips Law Half Marathon Or The 10Km Road Race at the same time you will save 10% on the cost
Normal Entry Fees
Affiliated Entry £17.50
Unaffiliated Entry £19.50
More Information Can Be Found On www.destinationbasingstoke.co.uk
Basingstoke Half Marathon Facebook Page With Links To Enter The Race
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
Park Runs-Hampshire
Alice Holt Park Run-Alice Holt Forest, Bucks Horn Oak-GU10 4LS
Andover Park Run-Charlton Playing Fields-SP10 4AJ.
Basingstoke Park Run-War Memorial Park- RG21 3AE
Brockenhurst Park Run-Brockenhurst College-SO42 7RQ.
Chichester Park Run-O
Park Runs-Hampshire
Alice Holt Park Run-Alice Holt Forest, Bucks Horn Oak-GU10 4LS
Andover Park Run-Charlton Playing Fields-SP10 4AJ.
Basingstoke Park Run-War Memorial Park- RG21 3AE
Brockenhurst Park Run-Brockenhurst College-SO42 7RQ.
Chichester Park Run-Oaklands Park-
PO19 6AP
Eastleigh Park Run-Fleming Park Old Golf Course-SO50 9LH
Fareham Park Run-Cams Hall Estate-
PO16 8UP
Havent Park Run-Staunton Country Park-PO9 5HD
Lee On Solent Park Run-Marine Parade East-PO13 9BW.
Lymington Woodside Park Run-Woodside Gardens-SO41 8FP.
Moors Valley Park Run-Moors Valley Country Park- BH24 2ET.
Netley Abbey Park Run-Royal Victoria Country Park-SO31 5GA
Newbury Park Run-Greenham Common-RG19 8EW
Lakeside Park Run-Lakeside North Harbour-PO6 3EN.
Rushmoor Park Run-Queens Avenue-Aldershot-GU11 2BS.
Sailsbury Park Run-Churchill Gardens-Salisbury-SP1 2JN.
Southampton Park Run-Southampton Common-SO15 7NN. southampton@parkrun.com
Southsea Park Run-Southsea Promenade-PO4 9ND.
Whiteley Park Run-Whiteley Meadowside-PO15 7PD.
Winchester Park Run-North Walls Recreation Ground- SO23 7DD.
Park Runs-Surrey
Aldenham Park Run-Aldenham Country Park WD6 3BA
Ally Pally Park Run-Alexandra Park-London
N22 7AY
Aston Court Park Run-Aston Court Estate-Bristol
BS41 9JN
Banstead Park Run-Banstead Woods
Beckenham Palace Park Run-Beckenham Palace Park S
Park Runs-Surrey
Aldenham Park Run-Aldenham Country Park WD6 3BA
Ally Pally Park Run-Alexandra Park-London
N22 7AY
Aston Court Park Run-Aston Court Estate-Bristol
BS41 9JN
Banstead Park Run-Banstead Woods
Beckenham Palace Park Run-Beckenham Palace Park SE6 3PU
Bedfont Park Run-Bedfont Lakes Country Park TW14 8QA
Black Park Park Run-Black Park Country Park-Slough
Bracknell Park Run-Great Hollands Recration Ground-Wokingingham
RG40 3EE
Bromley Park Run-Norman Park-Bromley Common BR2 9SX
Burgess Park Run-Burgess Park-Camberwell-London SE5 7LA
Bushy Park Run-Bushy Park-Teddington
Canons Park Park Run-Cannons Park-Middlesex
Cassiobury Park Run-Cassiobury Park-Watford WD18 7LE
Clair Park Run-Clair Park-Haywards Heath
RH16 3DT
Cranleigh Park Run-Bruce McKenzie Memorial Park GU6 8JL
Crystal Palace Park Run-Crystal Palace Park
SE19 2GA
Dulwich Park Run-Dulwich Park
SE21 7EB
East Grinstead Park Run-East Court-East Grinstead
RH19 3LT
Finsbury Park Run-Finsbury Park
N4 4AF
Frimley Lodge Park Run-Frimley Lodge Park
GU16 6HY
Fulham Place Park Run-Bishop's Parl-London
Greenwich Park Run-Avery Hill Park
Guildford Park Run-Stoke Park-Guildford
Gunnersbury Park Run-Gunnersbury Park-South Ealing-West London
W3 8LQ
Gunpowder Park Run-Gunpowder Park-Waltham Abbey EN9 3GP
Hackney Marshes Park Run-Hackney Marshes E9 5PF
Hackworth Park Run-Hackworth Park-Shildon
Heath Park Run-Hampstead Heath
Harrow Park Run-Harrow Lodge Park-Hornchurch RM12 4QU
Henley On Thames Park Run-40 Acre Path-Tilebarn Close-Henley On Thames RG9 1UU
Hobling Well Park Run-Hoblingwell Wood Recreation Ground-Orpington
Horsham Park Run-Southwater Country Park-Horsham RH13 9EY
Kingston Park Run-River Thames Tow Path-Kingston And Richmond KT2 5HB
Maidenhead Park Run-Braywick Park-Maidenhead SL6 1BN
Medina Park Run-Seaclose Park-Newport-I.O.W PO30 2EW
Mileend Park Run-Nonsuch Park-Cheam-Greater London SM3 8AB
Northala Fields Park Run-Hambleton Leisure Centre-Northallerton DL6 2UU
Old Deer Park Park Run-Old Deer Park-Richmond-Upon-Thames TW9 2RA
Orpington Park Run-Goddington Park-Orpington BR6 9DH
Osterley Park Run-Osterley Park-Isleworth TW7 4RD
Peckham Rye Park Run-Peckham Rye Park-Southwark SE15 3UA
Perryhill Park Run-Perry Hill Park-Birmingham B42 1RS
Peter Pan Park Run-Ferry Meadows Country Park-Peterborough PE2 5UU
Pymmes Park Run-Pymmes Park-Edmonton N18 2UG
Queen Elizabeth Park Run-Queen Elizabeth Country Park PO8 0QE
Reading Park Run-Thames Valley Park-Reading RG6 1PQ
Reigate Priory Park Run-Priory Park-Reigate RH2 7RL
Richmond Park Run-Richmond Park -Richmond Gate TW10 5HU
richmond@parkrun.comRickmansworth Park Run Rickmansworth-Aquadrome-Rickmansworth WD3 1NF
Riddlesdown Park Run-Pit Shaw Lane
Riverfront Park Run-The Riverfront-Kingsway-Newport NP20 1HG
Roundshaw Park Run-Roundshaw Downs-Croydon CR0 4RL
South Norwood Park Run-South Norwood Country Park SE25 4NE
Southwark Park Run-Southwark Park-London SE16 2PE
Tilgate Park Run-Tilgate Park-Crawley
RH10 5PQ
Tooting Common Park Run-Tooting Common-Tooting SW16 1RT
Upton Court Park Run-Upton Court Park-Slough SL3 7LX
Wimbledon Park Run-
Wimbledon Common
SW19 5NR
Woking Park Run-Woking Park-Woking
GU22 9BA
Woodley Park Run-Woodford Park-
Woodley-East Reading RG5 4JZ
Wormwood Scrubs Park Run-
Wormwoods Scrubs Park-London
W12 0DF
Wycombe Park Run Rye-High Wycombe
HP11 1QX
Park Runs In West Sussex
Bevendean Down Park Run-Bevendean Down-Brighton
Bognor Regis Park Run-Hotham Park-Bognor Regis PO21 1HW
Brighton Park Run-Hove Park-Brighton BN2 6BG
Chichester Park Run-Oaklands Park-Chichester PO19 6BB
Grovelands Park Run
Park Runs In West Sussex
Bevendean Down Park Run-Bevendean Down-Brighton
Bognor Regis Park Run-Hotham Park-Bognor Regis PO21 1HW
Brighton Park Run-Hove Park-Brighton BN2 6BG
Chichester Park Run-Oaklands Park-Chichester PO19 6BB
Grovelands Park Run-Grovelands Park
N21 3BU
Hove Promenade Park Run-Hove Lawns-Brighton BN3 3BE
Peacehaven Park Run-Centenary Park-Peacehaven
BN10 8RJ
Portsmouth Lakeside Park Run-Lakeside North Harbour-Portsmouth
Southsea Park Run-Southsea Proenade-Southsea
Worthing Park Run-Worthing Promenade-Worthing
BN11 2EN
Park Runs In East Sussex
Bedgebury Park Run-Bedgebury National Pinetum & Forest-Nr Cranbrook
TN17 2SJ
Eastbourne Park Run-East Court-East Grinstead RH19 3LS
Hastings Park Run-Seasise Road-Hastings TN38 0AQ
Maidstone Park Run-Lock Lane-Sandling-Maidstone ME14 3AU
Malling Park Run-Leybourne Lakes Country Park-Malling Road-Larkfield
Royal Tunbridge Well Park Run
Dunorlan Park-Tunbridge Wells
Tonbridge Park Run-Castle Road-Tonbridge
Ashford Park Run-Victoria Park-Ashford TN23 4QA
Barking Park Run-Barking Park IG118TA
Basildon Park Run-Northlands Park-Basildon
SS13 1SD
Beckton Park Run-Beckton District Park South E6 5LT
Bexley Park Run-Danson Park DA6 8HL
Billericay Park Run-Lake
Ashford Park Run-Victoria Park-Ashford TN23 4QA
Barking Park Run-Barking Park IG118TA
Basildon Park Run-Northlands Park-Basildon
SS13 1SD
Beckton Park Run-Beckton District Park South E6 5LT
Bexley Park Run-Danson Park DA6 8HL
Billericay Park Run-Lake Meadows Park-Billericay CM12 0DR
Brentwood Park Run-Weald Country Park-Brentwood CM14 5QS
Burnham On Crouch Park Run-Riverside Country Park-Burnham On Crouch
Canterbury Park Run-The Pavilion-University Of Kent
Crane Park Run-Crane Park
TW13 5QX
Dartford Park Run-Central Park-Dartford
Great Lines Park Run-Great Lines Heritage Park-Gillingham
Hilly Fields Park Run-Hilly Fields-Lewisham SE12 1YP
Hockley Woods Park Run-Hockley Wood-Hockley SS5 4RN
Lullingstone Park Run-Lullingstone Country Park-Eynsford DA4 OJF
Shorne Woods Park Run-Shorne Woods Country Park-Gravesend DA12 3HX
Sittingbourne Park Run-Milton Creek Country Park-Sittingbourne ME10 2DE
Southend Park Run-Gunners Park-Southend SS3 9FW
Thurrock Park Run-Pyramid Centre-Chadwell St Mary RM16 4XH
Wanstead Flats Park Run-Wanstead Flats Playing-London E11 3QD
Whitstable Park Run-Whitstable Promenade CT5 2BE
Abingdon Park Run-Rye Meadow-Abingdon
OX14 3HY
Aylesbury Park Run-Quarrendon & Meadowcroft Community Centre-Aylesbury
HP19 9HH
Bicester Park Run-Black Park Country Park-Slough
Didcot Park Run-Ladygrove Park-Didcot
OX11 7AF
Harcourt Hill Park Run-BrookesSport
Abingdon Park Run-Rye Meadow-Abingdon
OX14 3HY
Aylesbury Park Run-Quarrendon & Meadowcroft Community Centre-Aylesbury
HP19 9HH
Bicester Park Run-Black Park Country Park-Slough
Didcot Park Run-Ladygrove Park-Didcot
OX11 7AF
Harcourt Hill Park Run-BrookesSport Botley-Harcourt Hill Campus-Oxford
Lloyd Park Run-Lloyd Park-Croyden CR0 5RB
Newbury Park Run-Greenham Common
RG19 6HA
Oxford Park Run-Cutteslowe & Sunnymead Park-Oxford
Swindon Park Run-Lydiard Park-Swindon
Upton Court Park Run-Upton Court Park-Slough SL3 7LX
Aldenham Park Run-Aldenham Country Park-Elstree
Banbury Park Run-Spiceball-Banbury
OX16 2AY
Bedford Park Run-Bedford Park-Bedford
MK41 7SS
Brockwell Park Run-Brockwell Park
SE24 0PA
Buckingham Park Run-Bridge Street Skate Park-Buckingham
MK18 1RP
Aldenham Park Run-Aldenham Country Park-Elstree
Banbury Park Run-Spiceball-Banbury
OX16 2AY
Bedford Park Run-Bedford Park-Bedford
MK41 7SS
Brockwell Park Run-Brockwell Park
SE24 0PA
Buckingham Park Run-Bridge Street Skate Park-Buckingham
MK18 1RP
Didcot Park Run-Ladygrove Park-Didcot
OX11 7AF
Gadebridge Park Run-Gadebridge Park-Hemel Hempstead
Linford Wood ParkRun-Linford wood-Milton Keynes
MK14 6FE
Luton Wardown Park Run-Wardown Park-Luton
Milton Keynes Park Run-Willen Lake-North Milton Keynes
MK15 0DS
Northampton Park Run-The Racecourse-Northampton NN1 4LG
Panshanger Park Run-Panshanger Park-Hertford SG14 2WN
St Albans Park Run-Verulamium Park-St Albans AL1 2DL
Stevenage Park Run-Six Hills Way-Stevenage SG1 5HJ
Park Runs In Wiltshire
Bath Skyline Park Run-Free Fields-North Road/Claverton Road-Bath
Brueton Park Run-Brueton Park-Solihull
B91 3EA
Chippenham Park Run-Monkton Park-Chippenham
SN15 3QF
Cipping Sodbury Park Run-The Ridings-Chipping Sodbury
BS37 6GA
Park Runs In Wiltshire
Bath Skyline Park Run-Free Fields-North Road/Claverton Road-Bath
Brueton Park Run-Brueton Park-Solihull
B91 3EA
Chippenham Park Run-Monkton Park-Chippenham
SN15 3QF
Cipping Sodbury Park Run-The Ridings-Chipping Sodbury
BS37 6GA
Homewood Park Run-Ottershaw Memorial Fields-Ottershaw
KT16 0DP
Oak-Hill Park Run-Oak Hill Park-London
Pomphrey Hill Park Run-Pomphrey Hill Playing Fields-Bristol
BS16 7JR
Rapheal Park Run-Rapheal Park-Romford
Salisbury Park Run-Chuchill Gardens-Salisbury
Shepton Mallet Park Run-Collett Park-Shepton Mallet
Southwick Country Park Park Run-Southwick Country Park-Trowbridge
BA14 9QD
Stonehouse Park Run-Oldends Lane Playing Fields-Stonehouse
GL10 2DG
Wotton Park Run-Wotton Community Parc-Wotton-Under-edge
GL12 8RB
Park Runs In Dorset
Blandford Park Run-Jubilee Way-Blandfor
DT11 7UW
Bournemouth Park Run-Kings Park Athletic Stadium-Bournemouth
Penrhyn Park Run-Penrhyn Castle-Bangor
LL57 4HT
Poole Park Run-Poole Park-Poole
BH15 2SF
Weymouth Park Run-Lodmoor Country Park-Weymouth
Park Runs In Essex
Ally Pally Park Run-Alexandra Park-London N22 7AY
Ashton Court Park Run-Aston Court Estate-Chelmsford Central Park Run-Central Park-Chelmsford
Clacton Seafront Park Run-Clacton Seafront-Clacton-On-Sea
CO15 1NB
Colchester Park Run Castle Park
Park Runs In Essex
Ally Pally Park Run-Alexandra Park-London N22 7AY
Ashton Court Park Run-Aston Court Estate-Chelmsford Central Park Run-Central Park-Chelmsford
Clacton Seafront Park Run-Clacton Seafront-Clacton-On-Sea
CO15 1NB
Colchester Park Run Castle Park-Colchester
Great Cornard Park Run-Great Lines Heritage Park-Gillingham
Great Notley Park Run-Great Notley Country Park-Great Notley-Essex
CM77 7FS
Hadleigh Park Run-Hadleigh Country Park-Hadleigh
Highbury Fields Park Run-Highbury Feilds-Islington-London
N5 1AR
Hilly Fields Park Run-Hilly Fields-Off Adelaide Avenue-Ladywell-London
Maldonprom Park Run-Maldon Promenade Park-Essex
Mersea Island Park Run-Cudmore Grove-East Mersea
Roding Valley Park Run-Roding Valley Recreation Ground-Loughton
IG10 3BS
Walthamstow Park Run-Peter May Sports Ground-Walthamstow
E17 4HR
Wanstead Flats Park Run-Wanstead Flats Playing Fields-Harrow Road-London
E11 3QD
Westmill Park Run-Three Lakes Campsite-Westmill Farm-Ware
SG12 0ES
Park Runs In Gloucestershire
Cheltenham Park Run-Pittville Park-Cheltenham
GL50 4RN
Evesham Park Run-Boat Lane (By Hampton Ferry)-Evesham
WR11 4BP
Forest-Of-Dean Park Run-Coverham Enclosure Five Acres-In The Forset Of Dean
GL16 7QT
Gloucester North Park Run-Plock Court Playing Fie
Park Runs In Gloucestershire
Cheltenham Park Run-Pittville Park-Cheltenham
GL50 4RN
Evesham Park Run-Boat Lane (By Hampton Ferry)-Evesham
WR11 4BP
Forest-Of-Dean Park Run-Coverham Enclosure Five Acres-In The Forset Of Dean
GL16 7QT
Gloucester North Park Run-Plock Court Playing Fields-Gloucester Academy/Bishops College School-Gloucester
Hereford Park Run-Hereford Leisure Centre-Hereford
Kingsway Park Run-Kingsway Sports Pavillion-Gloucester
Lydney Park Run-Lydney Boating Lake-Lakeside Gardens-Lydney
GL15 5PE
Tewkesbury Park Run-Vineyards-Tewkesbuy
GL20 5PG
Worcester Park Run-Worcester Woods Country Park
Wotton Park Run-Wotton Community Parc-Wotton-Under-Edge
GL12 8RB
Worcester Pitchcroft Park Run-The Pitchcroft-Worcester Racecourse-Worcester
Park Runs In Berkshire/Oxfordshire
Cambridge Park Run-Milton Country Park
CB24 6AZ
Cassiobury Park Run-Cassiobury Park-Watford
WD18 7LE
Huntingdon Park Run-Hinchingbrooke Country Park-Huntingdon
PE29 6DB
Kettering Park Run-Wickstead Park-Kettering
NN15 6NJ
Park Runs In Berkshire/Oxfordshire
Cambridge Park Run-Milton Country Park
CB24 6AZ
Cassiobury Park Run-Cassiobury Park-Watford
WD18 7LE
Huntingdon Park Run-Hinchingbrooke Country Park-Huntingdon
PE29 6DB
Kettering Park Run-Wickstead Park-Kettering
NN15 6NJ
Rothwell Park Run-Springhead Park-Rothwell
LS26 0DY
Wimpole Estate Park Run-Wimpole Estate-Royston
Henley On Thames Park Run-40 Acre Path-Tilebarn Close-Henley-On-Thames
Woodley Park Run-Woodford Park-Woodley-East Reading